Thursday, January 3, 2008

Bring my feet to the ground...

Can I catch what's left of my childhood innocence in my bare hands? Return the pure untainted lenses to my eyes? Probably not. I've lost what I can't regain. Ignorance is bliss. Ah well, ignore my ramblings.

I'm really floating. Not caring about what Chinese test I'm going to have in two weeks time. Not really caring about the Math Set Theory Test coming up. Anyway, I was able to get through today's math assignment without much trouble. Thank God I remember my set theory work! Anyway, I don't think its that hard. But still, I've to buckle down to work.

I feel as if I'm hovering above the real world, still detached from the work that I know if definitely coming down the pipeline at me. I'm still absorbed in holiday stuff. Like slacking around, reading my favourite Star Wars books, and even trying to play From the Inside Out. I've got to start working. But there hasn't been any work yet, since I've finished my holiday homework already. We'll see what happens. Take things as they come to me. No... I should at least attempt to preempt. (That was deliberate!)

Okay. First English Lit lesson tomorrow. I don't really know what to expect. I hope I'll be surprised. In a good way, of course! =) Come to think of it, my teachers aren't that bad really. The chem teacher's quite nice, the math teacher isn't all that bad, and the Chinese teacher's better than I expected. Thank God for them. Hope my view of them won't change as time goes by. I hope.

And I've got math tuition tomorrow. Dunno what to expect. Don't feel like going, but I have to. Not to mention I've gotta go down early for Raffles Trail in FULL uniform on Saturday, then rush back for Chinese tuition in the afternoon. Then a breather, then I've gotta rush around to pick up my OBS stuff. Maybe even a pair of shoes. We'll see.

Really looking forward to Sunday. Its back to Sol at Redhill. Hooray! But I've got ushering after that. Frontliner duty back again. That part, not quite looking forward to. But I'm still serving God, so I'll be happy! Haha.

So well, This blog post is quite long. And tomorrow's too, I guess.

God's presence is great! =)

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