Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Going on Sec 4

I really think Sec 4 will be much, much busier than Sec 3. Not to mention its our final year in Secondary school, but I have got two CCAs to think about, plus AQ training thrice a week, and the fact that every single saturday until christmas, I have something on.

In other words, very, very, busy.

RInspire is really stressful, because I don't really know what to do. Hence I just worry about it. Rather stupid, I know. -.- And it's especially irritating when my predecessor refuses to answer my SMS. Anyway.

BB is well, busy, but less stressful, cos I know what to do, and I think I'm doing a good job.

Two things have been particularly enjoyable this holiday.

First, it's basketball and cards with my CCA mates. My basketball's definitely improved, though I'd say I'm still pretty lousy. But I feel that I've grown closer to my batch in three months - since taking over, than in three years. Maybe.

Second, it's fanfiction. Just that now its Final Fantasy VII fanfiction. Instead of Star Wars. And I'd point out an interesting fact. Girls do write better than boys. At least in terms of fanfic authors. I'll reserve my comments about profic.

So. Back to my fic.