Sunday, July 20, 2008


Don't feel like going to school tomorrow, because I don't feel like waking up early! Haha.

Anyway. I feel rather happy, because we played three hours of guitar at Expo before service. Fun, but I really wish we had a real electric rather than plucking out the electric parts on an acoustic guitar.

The sermon today was really fast. The speaker machine-gunned his points at us so fast that I didn't manage to catch all of them. But it was applicable, in some parts, as my mum pointed out to me during dinner.

And I've been overeating this week. I mean, staying at home is just eat, sit around, and sleep. Don't even go out that much cos my mum doesn't allow me to. Not to mention the large family gathering on Saturday. My uncle and aunt came back from Hong Kong for a visit, so well, it called for a family feast.

So right now, I'm back to my normal weight.


After losing all those pounds during gastric flu.

But that way's cheating, I guess.

Anyway, off to bathe. And sleep.

Wish tomorrow was the start of APCG week. I could use the sleep. and the slack time. haha.

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