Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I'm pissed. Really, really pissed.

First of all, my ankle is so bloody inconvenient. And I have two heavy files to carry around in and to school tomorrow.

Second, tomorrow's math test. I'm stressed. I practiced hard. But I can't stuff any more into my overflowing head.

Third, there's chemistry tomorrow. Chem's an absolute torture as I know absolutely nothing about the current topic. Cause the teacher can't teach for nuts. No offense, but that's the way I think about it. He just rushes through everything, and doesn't answer our questions.

Fourth, scrabble competition. It's a good thing I've got this ankle injury and have an excuse not to go. Because I hate playing scrabble, and am absolutely horrible at it.

Fifth, Macbeth play. As I don't know where to go and how to go there, and need people to fetch me as I don't have the strength to go blunder my way around the place, I feel like an absolute burden to my family. I'm like so helpless.

Sixth, my entire Saturday is gone, via Singspiration and tuition.

Finally, tomorrow's full of academic periods.

Can't I have this slacker mentality and turn off for a while. I can't, and desperately trying to listen and learn takes all the energy out of me.

God, I really need your help.


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