Well, today was really, really boring. History and geog. Really crap. The teacher keeps harping on some macro concepts. And well, i really don't like how Geography is taught to us now. History, a boring vid. About communists and politics. Bleh. Bio, watched ANOTHER video. But more interesting lah. Genetics, genetic engineering, cloning, and so on. Personally, I think that genetic engineering is really too risky. Might lead to us getting some deadly disorder (alliteration!). Or maybe even something like HIV. Anyway, we still don't know enough about the procedure. How would we know if something was about to go wrong? English today was slack. Really slack. Just wrote haikus, and talked nonsense. I mean, what on earth? Maths, not too bad, I didn't screw up when Chong asked me to go up and answer the question.BQ was a real waste of time. The movie shown was lame. And boring. I almost fell asleep. I should have feigned sick and ponned school. It was a waste of time, darn it! LoL.
Now, I've got a bad stomachache. xD. And i've lots to do. I mean, well, I've to edit the RE presentation again. AGAIN. Seriously sian. Hope tonight will be much more fun. I hope, that is.

This is a poem book I bought today. Most of them are kinda angsty and dark. I LIKE. :)

Well, haven't really read this yet, but Mrs. Nathan says its good. But well, first thing I open and browse. F-word. ZZ
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