Friday, May 16, 2008

Homework Check

Let's see....

I have...

1) a MPP bill to re-write, since I lost my thumbdrive. (Due on Wed)
2) A Lit Individual Essay (Due on Wed)
3) A Lit Group Essay (Due on Wed)
4) SS Project (not so impt right now)
5) English Commentaries (almost done)
6) Math Revision (at least I finished that assignment)
7) Social Advocacy Project (Due on Fri)
8) English Filing (Due really soon)

And a whole day at open house wasted tomorrow.

The amount of homework I have. And it's already week ten.

And I left my lit file in school. How the hell am I gonna do the essays?

And how the hell will I find time - except, tomorrow night, and sunday morning.

Damn it.

All my free time.

You're not going to make me miss my 9 o'clock show on Monday.

I hope

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